Informationen und Ansprechpartner zu TIGER
Studienbeschreibung |
Studientitel | The Use of TTFields for Newly Diagnosed GBM Patients in
Germany in Routine Clinical Care - TIGER Study |
Kurzbeschreibung | The purpose of this post-authorisation medical device study
is to obtain real life data on the use of tumor-treating
fields (TTFields) in patients with newly diagnosed GBM in
routine clinical care in Germany. Patients with newly
diagnosed GBM and clinical indication for TTFields treatment
will be enrolled in the study after signing Informed consent
to use their data and process it centrally for research
purposes. The clinical indication for TTFields is one of the
inclusion criteria and is defined prior to inclusion by the
treating physician. The patient's decision regarding
TTFields treatment is part of the observation and will be
assessed within the baseline visit. |
Betreffendes Organsystem | Hirntumoren (Hirntumoren, Hypophysentumoren) |
Gesamte Studienbeschreibung | |
Studientyp | Diagnostik-Studie (auch Screening, Früherkennung, Biomarker) |
Studienstatus | Rekrutierung offen (Teilnehmer werden aufgenommen) |
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